Bring your talent to a new challenge
We have a diverse geographical area, with challenges at every step, but living and working in one of the safest force areas in the UK is great. With your experience, knowledge and drive, we would love to have you join our family.

If you have previously been unsuccessful in your application, you will be required to wait for six months from the date you were removed from the process to re-apply.
Yes – We recognise that our officers and staff have lives and families, and all of the commitments which come with this. Working alternative hours, such as part-time, is something we are proud to support, balanced with our operational needs.
We have no objection with someone applying to transfer whilst on a career break, depending on the length of absence prior to an application. It should be noted that it may be difficult to demonstrate 'recent' roles/skills which we ask for. Each application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Individuals may also find that the option to return after a career break is with the original Force and not directly transferable, but this is something candidates will need to discuss with their own force.
Unfortunately not – We are pleased that you are considering an application to transfer to us, however in order to apply you must have returned to work.
You will need to submit the following documents with your application pack
- photos of your tattoos (if applicable)
- confirmation of probation completion if you have three years or less service.
- For ARV Officers only - Chronical record
A process can take between three and six months from application launch to start date, dependent on an applicant’s individual circumstances.
Please refer to our Recruitment Journey page for further details:
The selection process comprises of eligibility check, following this you will be invited to a Force Structured Interview, which will take place on force premises.
Please see linked interview support guidance:
We will contact your HR Personnel Department and Professional Standards Unit if you have been successful at interview.
Devon & Cornwall Police
All transferees are required to attend a 2 week induction course and undertake any relevant training courses before they take up their posting.
Dorset Police
All transferees are required to attend a 3 week induction course w and undertake any relevant training courses before they take up their posting.
If we are not currently open for transfers at your existing rank, we would encourage you to submit an Expression of Interest via the Force website.
You can apply to transfer at a lower rank if you choose.
Any national qualifications, e.g. NPPF, will be recognised once you have supplied evidence of your result. Other qualifications will be looked at and countersigned if the skill / qualification is equal to our standards. In some cases, the skill may need to be reassessed, for example driving.
Posting decisions are made in accordance with Force requirements to the area of greatest organisational need.
We will however take into consideration where you live and your posting preference. Any acceptance of a formal offer is on the basis that any requests to transfer station/divisions upon appointment will not be considered for a period of one/two years. (Unless there are exceptional pressing welfare reasons that arise subsequent to your transfer).
It must be stressed that any offer of appointment is subject to your acceptance and undertaking to travel for duty anywhere within the Force area.
Your posting will be agreed by a panel, as soon as possible following your conditional offer.
Devon and Cornwall: The postings for ARV Transferee vacancies for Devon & Cornwall Police will be in the following areas; Barnstaple / Exeter / Plymouth / Bodmin/ Camborne.
We operate a number of different shift patterns designed to meet force and divisional operational requirements.
If you are successful through the recruitment process, you will in your ‘Offer of Appointment’ letter, be allocated a posting. Details of your exact station and shift pattern will normally be given to you during your first week of service.
Any current or previous service is recognised for annual leave purposes and you will receive a pro-rata entitlement upon transfer. You will be required to take all your current entitlement in your current force as it will not be possible to transfer outstanding leave.
Additionally, time owed in lieu cannot be transferred over. Every effort will be made to honour any pre-booked holiday/time off arrangements although this ultimately will be at the discretion of your supervisor.
Your pay will be in accordance with the national rates for your rank and service. You will transfer on the same pay point and increment date you currently receive providing there has been no break in service. The only exception to this Police Scotland who operate alternative pay scales. In this instance the current salary would be realigned to the national rates. Salaries are paid directly into your bank or building society account.
Salaries are paid on the 28th of the month, unless this falls on a bank holiday or weekend when it will be the last working day prior to this date.
You will continue to receive pay increments on an annual basis (in line with previous increments), subject to eligibility for the Pay Progression Standard (PPS). Please click the below link for further information about PPS:
Under most circumstances, your pensionable service is directly transferable from one Force to another. Therefore your pension transfers across with you. So long as you do not have a gap in your service your transfer will remain as continuous service.
If you are applying as a transferee to Devon & Cornwall or Dorset Police, you should not resign from your current Force until you have completed all aspects of the selection process and received written confirmation of a start date and posting. Your resignation should be effective from midnight preceding your date for joining Devon & Cornwall or Dorset Police. This will ensure that there is no break in service, and that your rights are continued.
No, we do not currently pay any removal expenses.
Basic car course - 1 day.
Basic driving is the first level of police driving. The candidate should possess the skills required to drive vehicles used by the police safely and competently. Standard/unmarked car course.
Three week course introducing the police system of driving and training officers how to handle driving in response situations. The 4th week of the course is by invitation only. Officers demonstrating sufficient skill in the initial 3 week phase will be asked to complete the 4th week. Advanced car course.
Four week course designed to refresh and enhance the skills learned during the standard car course, to the police advanced level of driving.
We are continuing to promote officers, however an officer transferring to us would likely need to have served one year (tenure of the post offered) before being supported for promotion.
At the pre-employment stage, we will contact your current force to establish when you last passed the Job-Related Fitness Test (JRFT). This will need to be in date, passed within the past 12 months, for you to transfer.
Devon and Cornwall
If you reside outside of 30 miles from Force HQ Middlemoor, you may be able to request accommodation on site.
While there is no accommodation on site at Winfrith HQ, there is key worker accommodation available on the main Poole Hospital site. These are single occupancy bedsit rooms, in a secure block which are fully furnished. Short-stay rates are £40 per person, per night, with longer durations and/or bulk booking available at discounted rates. For longer term stays the monthly charge is £528 and stays of up to 6 months can be agreed. Any requests for extensions beyond 6 months will be discretionary and depend of demand. Further information can be provided by the Resourcing team when required.