The primary focus of the Professional Standards Department is on four key areas: vetting, complaints, misconduct and countercorruption. The department plays a crucial role in maintaining trust and confidence in policing, by ensuring high standards are effectively managed.
We recently created the Public Service Team, a team that directly influences the way in which Devon & Cornwall Police deals with expressions of dissatisfaction received from our communities.
Several roles are open for recruitment. Please open the links below to learn more and apply today.

Public Service Team Recruitment

Head of Public Service
Leads the team as head of operational business with a strategic perspective, managed by the Superintendent Head of Professional Standards Department. The role will line manage two inspectors, who will set the standards for the rest of the team.
Determinations Officer
Provides consistency and resilience to the completion of the process of misconduct investigations. In this role you will review evidence gathered and compiled in investigation reports of misconduct to assess whether the standard is reached for misconduct/gross misconduct.

Public Service Team Leader
Be first line manager of the Complaints Handlers and Case Workers who will be directly dealing with the expressions of dissatisfaction and administration of them.
Assessment Officer
Assesses matters for conduct ranging from complaints where conduct is identified, to misconduct matters to identify the review body (OPCC/IOPC) and then the initial level of conduct to which the investigation will then be investigated under.

Complaints Handler/Investigator
Be the face of Devon & Cornwall Police in supporting members of the public who contact the police.
Speak to members of the public on a daily basis, assessing viewpoints with sympathy and understanding and do proportionate investigations.